As with any corporate video, the most important thing is to tell a clear story. All training videos must scaffold information in a logical way to make learning concepts meaningful. Mintox Media translates complex procedures into simple steps that make perfect sense once they are demonstrated on screen. When producing a training video, it’s important to be aware of existing attitudes and working conditions so the final product doesn’t patronize your hardworking staff. A Mintox Media training video will strike the right balance to engage your workforce and inspire them to new heights.

Find out about common types of training videos below.


The video medium is ideal for safety campaigns. It can depict dangerous situations in a visceral manner, clearly demonstrating the correct response to hazards and the consequences of ignoring standard procedure. The simple act of watching the correct steps performed on screen is extremely powerful to viewers, because it normalises “doing the right thing.” Producing a safety video means that you can be 100% confident all your workers and visitors receive the same instructions every time.

Safety example:

As part of a series on traffic management, The Department of Mines, Energy, Industry Regulation and Safety needed to illustrate how good road design can reduce serious incidents and fatalities at mine sites. The resulting video distilled complex engineering concepts into simple tips for operators and management alike. DEMIRS was conscious that the video needed to go beyond telling workers WHAT to do, by explaining WHY certain traffic situations present hazards.

Product Knowledge

No-one likes to learn facts and figures by rote, but if your staff need to have an intricate understanding of your product then consider producing a training video. An on-screen presenter with a relatable, charismatic personality will greatly improve recall by encapsulating hundreds of dot points into a purposeful story.

Product Knowledge example:

With jewelry becoming a growth area of its business, Cash Converters invested in a 32-part training series for its staff, covering everything from diamond rings to watch bands. By filming in a real store, and involving actual staff members, Cashies ensured that their huge workforce remained engaged by presenting each learning outcome within the context of familiar visuals.

Best Practice

Training videos intended for internal company use can stand to be a little more frank about the realities of daily tasks than promotional videos intended for a wide audience. Use product demonstration videos to your advantage by ensuring the voice over or presenter speaks the language of your team. Workers are more receptive to learning when they are being instructed by someone who understands what it’s like at the coalface.

Best Practice example:

Curtin Heritage invested in an 8-part series of training videos to educate staff on the new procedures and technology at their refurbished aged care facility. This clip, on care trolleys, benefits from having an experienced nurse interacting with a real trolley in the actual facility. Mintox Media was able to provide coaching to the presenters while encouraging them to be themselves and speak in their own words.


Filmed recreations of real-life scenarios can stimulate discussion in a supervised training forum. A dramatised training video is ideal for presenting interpersonal situations where there is room for nuance and interpretation. To generate objective reactions from your staff, it’s usually best to cast professional actors in main roles, rather than hiring in-house.

Dramatisation example:

In order to highlight key aspects of its Safe and Respectful Behaviours Procedure, Mineral Resources needed to define the concepts of bullying, sexual harassment, microaggressions and inappropriate behaviour. Working in conjunction with writers and actors from The Experience Lab, Mintox Media produced five scenarios that depicted good and bad conduct at MinRes’ offices, workshops and mine sites. The use of familiar environments and costumes made the learnings more palatable to the target audience.

Customer Relations

Yes, sometimes customers need training as well. Make them feel like a valued part of your company by inviting them behind-the-scenes to understand your processes and better appreciate why you offer superior service to the competition.

Customer Relations example:

Building a home is a rewarding but emotional journey. Blueprint Homes identified common concerns raised by customers during the build process and decided to address them upfront via a training video. The resulting 8-part series covered all aspects of construction and strategically answered frequently asked questions.

Public Awareness

Re-programming bad behaviour en masse takes research, empathy and boldness. Rather than waving a big stick at perpetrators, telling the story of those impacted by misconduct can gently train people to do the right thing, without resorting to shame tactics or debunkable statistics. Add a dash of fun for maximum sharability!

Public Awareness example:

National Disability Services and the ACROD Parking Program created a 10-part series profiling people who relied on ACROD bays to convey the personal consequences of ACROD parking misuse. Handheld footage gave the videos a sense of movement to reinforce that people with disabilities are also “on the go.”  The blue palette was emphasized in colour grading to complement the International Symbol of Access.

Staff Profile

If a worker has recently gone above and beyond the expectations of their role, or demonstrated steadfast service over many years, a staff profile video can celebrate their contribution and inspire others across the business. There are advantages for HR as well; in asking someone to speak candidly about their role, many valuable insights can be gleaned. Staff profile videos can also be re-purposed as recruitment tools to attract potential employees.

Staff Profile example:

After ten years of operation, Sandfire’s DeGrussa copper mine had become a home-away-from-home for hundreds of workers. To celebrate the contribution of its long-term employees, Sandfire produced a series of videos to capture their fond memories of FIFO lifestyle. Their heartfelt messages went beyond ‘corporate values’ and truly expressed the positive impact their jobs had on their careers and families.

Financial Results

In large companies, workers often miss out on hearing good news stories from other divisions. Positive results are about more than money – they reflect a culture of innovation and teamwork that should be celebrated. Financial Results videos help to build morale, set benchmarks and cross-pollinate ideas and strategies for future success.

Financial Results example:

AGR Sodium Cyanide is one branch within Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy & Fertilisers. After engineers rectified multiple leaks at the processing plant, the increased productivity was celebrated with a case study video. The video was filmed in under two hours and delivered on a short deadline for WesCEF’s prestigious financial results event.


Case study videos produced after-the-fact can be effective, but to accurately portray the effort and teamwork behind a significant project, it’s best to be filming throughout the entire process. Companies considering a long-form documentary need to embrace challenges and setbacks as learning opportunities for their audience, because no-one wants to watch a drawn-out video where everything goes to plan! Authenticity is the key to keeping viewers on the edge of their seats, even if the final result aligns perfectly with the company’s goals.

Documentary example:

Before undergoing their biggest ever shutdown, CSBP decided to record the 7-week process as a knowledge-sharing tool for future operators. What started as a memento video became a tense drama as COVID restrictions, staff shortages and supply issues had to be quickly but calmly addressed by management. To keep the budget down, Mintox Media liaised with supervisors to ascertain the best days to be onsite. Interviews were scheduled for after the shutdown to enable key stakeholders to reflect on their achievements and learnings for subsequent shutdowns.

Personal Story

Real-life testimonies from those who have already suffered hardship on the job can be the most effective way of encouraging workers to do the right thing. Nothing hits home quite like a colleague espousing the personal repercussions of bad practice. The success of a personal story training video relies on sourcing an interviewee who is both articulate and candid in sharing their experience.

Personal Story example:

The Public Transport Authority identified electrical safety as a major issue for rail workers operating in close proximity to the 25,000-volt overhead traction wiring system. One survivor of a serious incident, Shane Haley, bravely detailed the circumstances surrounding his electric shock and subsequent impact to his career and home life. Photographs of agonizing hospital treatment and a recreation of the incident gave Shane’s story even more gravitas and immediacy.

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